Nonstandard Field Bolts on Erection Views

The Nonstandard Field Bolts on Erection Views settings are applied during auto detailing of erection views if the option Non-standard field bolts is turned on (checked ). Labels for bolts ... are used when there is no match in the Match table for non-standard bolts found in an erection view.

Label for bolts not found in match table

Quantity: The quantity of non-standard field bolts at the connection in an erection view drawing.

An Order of 1 is specified in this example. Consequently, the first %s that is referenced in the Label Format stands for the bolt quantity.

Since an Order of 2 is specified in this example, the second %s that is referenced in the Label Format stands for quantity. The first %s stands for the User text.

Diameter: The diameter of non-standard field bolts at the connection in an erection view drawing.

An Order of 1 is specified for Diameter in this example. This means that the first %s that is referenced in the Label Format stands for the non-standard field bolt diameter.

Length: The length of non-standard field bolts at the connection in an erection view drawing.

An Order of 3 is specified for Length in this example. This means that the third %s that is referenced in the Label Format stands for the bolt length. Note that the characters "-" and "x" and space " " are used in the Label Format.

Bolt material only: The bolt material of non-standard field bolts at the connection in an erection view drawing.

Compare this example with the example for Bolt material and type.If you want non-standard field bolts to be called out by more specific designations such as A490SC or A490N, then you should assign an Order to that option instead.

Bolt material and type: Any bolt type that is listed at Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Specifications can potentially be called out on an erection view detail when a numerical Order has been assigned here.

Compare this example with the example for Bolt material only.If you want non-standard field bolts to be called out by a more generic designation such as A490, then you should assign an Order to that option instead.

User text: Any combination of up to 16 numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) and/or letters (a, b, c, etc.) and/or special characters (*, ø, etc.). Special characters can include any of the Latin 1 characters 0160 to 0255. Characters that can be entered in the Drawing Editor as Label text should also be able to be entered here.

The User text that you assign here should apply to all bolts that are called out on the erection view detail.

Label format: Sequential information consisting of %s and other characters. Each %s stands for an item that has been assigned a numerical Order. This means, for example, if four items have been assigned a numerical order, four %s should be included in the Label format. The first %s in the Label format stands for the item that has been assigned an Order of 1. The second %s in the Label format stands for the item that has been assigned an Order of 2. Blank spaces are recognized as distinct characters. A line break can be created using \n.

The first %s in this example stands for Quantity. The second %s stands for Diameter. The third %s stands for Bolt material and type. Space - [ ] are other characters that are used in this example

The first %s in this example stands for Diameter. The second %s stands for Length. The third %s stands for Bolt material only. X and space are other characters that are used in this example.

In this example, \n (new line) is used to create a line break. Note that the characters "NonStd Bolts" are typed to Label format instead of being entered as user text.

Match table

Object style: Combine symbol and quantity into a multi-line label or Bolt symbol -- diamond shape with quantity note or Bolt symbol -- hexagonal shape with quantity note

Combine symbol and quantity into a multiline label puts the Symbol character(s) on the first line of the label. The Quantity format sets the format for the second line when Qty is turned on (checked).

Bolt symbol -- diamond shape with quantity note puts the Symbol character(s) inside of a diamond-shaped bolt symbol. If Qty is turned on (checked), quantity information is plotted below the bolt symbol as specified by the Quantity format.

Bolt symbol -- hexagonal shape with quantity note puts the Symbol character(s) inside of a hexagonal-shaped bolt symbol. If Qty is turned on (checked), quantity information is plotted below the bolt symbol as specified by the Quantity format.

Quantity format: This applies to lines in the Match table that have Qty turned on (checked). The %s in the format instructs Erection View Detailing to report the quantity of non-standard field bolts at the connection that is called out in the drawing. Other characters can be included before and after %s.

Also see: The Quantify format that is entered here populates the Note text on a bolt symbol. For a multi-line label, this format populates the second line of the label's Label text.

Symbol: any combination of up to 16 numbers and/or letters and/or special characters. See the examples.

numbers are specified in this example. The resulting symbol calls out all groups of 7/8 inch bolts, regardless of their type, so long as the standard Bolt diameter for the project is not 7/8.

special characters can include any of the Latin 1 characters 0160 to 0255. Detail Erection Views can output any characters that can be entered as Label text or as bolt symbol's Symbol text. This example uses the diameter symbol (ø), which was input by holding down the Alt key and typing the number 0248.

Also see: The Symbol that is entered here populates the Symbol text on a bolt symbol. For a multi-line label, this text populates the first line of the label's Label text.

Diameter: 0 (any diameter) or a specific bolt diameter. You can either type in the diameter of bolt, or select a bolt diameter from the combo box ( ). The diameters that are listed in the combo box come from the Available bolt diameters list in Bolt Settings.

0 signifies a bolt of any diameter. When this example is applied to an erection view in a project where the standard Bolt type is something other than an A307, every group of A307 bolts in the erection view is labeled as Erection Bolt regardless of the diameter of bolts in that group.

A specific bolt diameter of 7/8 is specified in this example. Since the Type is blank, this example will find all groups of 7/8 inch bolts, regardless of their type, so long as the standard Bolt diameter for the project is not 7/8.

Type: blank or A325 or A325N or A325SC or A325X or any other bolt listed in the Bolt Specifications. You cannot type an entry to this field. You need to select the bolt you want from the list box ( ).

Leaving Type blank results in the bolt type of non-standard bolts being ignored. If you leave the Type blank, you must enter a Bolt diameter.This example finds all groups of 7/8 inch bolts, regardless of their type, so long as the standard Bolt diameter for the project is not 7/8.

An entry such as A325 -- where A325 is the bolt material only -- finds all bolt types made from that bolt material. In this example, A325 will find A325N and A325SC and A325X bolts that are non standard.

An entry such as A325N -- where A325N is the bolt type-- finds only A325N bolts. If A325N happens to be the standard Bolt type in your current project, this example would call out instances of A325N bolt groups that are not the standard bolt diameter.

Qty: or . This applies when a Symbol and Diameter and/or Type have been entered to a particular line on the Match table.

If this box is checked ( ), Erection View Detailing calls out the quantity of non standard bolts in bolt groups that match the Diameter and/or Type specified on this line of the Match table. The quantity will be called out based on the Quantity format, which populates the Note text on a bolt symbol. For a multi-line label, the quantity format populates the second line of the label's Label text.

If the box is not checked ( ), Erection View Detailing does not call out the quantity for bolt groups specified on this line.

  • The position of these form buttons on the screen tells you what settings they apply to. Click here for more information.
  • You can Copy ( ) the settings on this screen , then Paste ( ) those settings to a different screen of the same type.
  • Save ( ) saves a file to a global folder ( ) that is used by your current version of SDS2. Give the file a name that will help other users identify its purpose. Load ( ) replaces the settings on this screen with the settings that are stored in the file that you select.
  • When editing multiple screens at the same time, Paste and Load replace mixed entries to a single field with a single entry. Copy and Save ignore fields with mixed entries, treating them as if they have no entry or do not exist.

OK (or the Enter key) closes this screen and applies the settings.

Cancel (or the Esc key) closes this screen without saving any changes.

Reset undoes all changes made to this screen since you first opened it. The screen remains open.

  • Non-standard bolts are bolts that are not the standard bolt. Bolt Settings sets the standard bolt to be a bolt that is both the standard Bolt diameter and the standard Bolt type.
  • Callouts for non-standard field bolts consist of a pointer and either a label or a bolt symbol. The auto detailing program finds on the erection views the field bolts of members that are field bolted even if the field bolts themselves are not shown.
  • Settings applied to the Nonstandard Field Bolts on Erection Views screen are for your current Fabricator. A different set of settings will apply when you Change Fabricator.
  • Red or yellow exclamation point icons ( or ) indicate that a setting field is required to be filled out or corrected before the settings can be accepted by clicking OK. Hover your mouse cursor over the icon to make a tooltip appear with more information.